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Friday, September 4, 2020
Analyzing Messages Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Breaking down Messages - Essay Example With this, she welcomes Spencer to visit them when he gets the time. The email correspondence uncovers two significant parts of composed correspondence. In the first place, the sort of language individuals use in composed business correspondence relies upon the connection between them. Second, factors like sex and innovation likewise become possibly the most important factor. In particular, the language of the email is formal, like different business letters. The connection between the two as specialist organization and customer impacts the convention of the correspondence. On the off chance that the circumstance is turned around and Spencer will be the one to email Megan, feeling that Spencer is the specialist co-op, the language could be all the more regarding and well mannered as what can be found in the subsequent letter. Sexual orientation could have additionally had a significant influence in Megan’s composing. Being a lady, she would not like to be confused, therefore kept the language formal. Likewise, her email is brief and no feeling of closeness or charm might be felt. The last line that says, â€Å"Do visit us when you have time†is a genial greeting ordinary between a customer and specialist co-op. There are no terms used to connote individual closeness. Megan’s position in the organization additionally has an impact in the development of her email. Being the HR Manager, she is in the situation to welcome Spencer over to their office. All things considered, taking into account that Spencer is the Operations Manager in Cunninghams, she likewise incorporated the provision â€Å"when you have time†to recognize how bustling Spencer could be. As Steinberg (2007) noticed, the style of correspondence is significant in relational correspondence. In this specific model, the utilization of innovation as a correspondence style is exceptionally fitting. The reason and convention of the topic called for custom and such was accomplished through messages. I trust this email discovers you well. I am exceptionally happy to declare that Cunninghams, Inc. has quite recently settled a branch office in San Francisco, California as a component of its
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Kolkata Knight Riders free essay sample
Kolkata Knight Riders opening batsman Brendon McCullum scored 158 runs in the main match, which is a record for the most noteworthy runs at any point scored by a batsman in a Twenty-20 match. [3] However, the group began encountering disappointments and lost back to back four matches. The group figured out how to arrange a rebound of sorts by winning next three matches dependent on solid exhibitions by Sourav Ganguly and Shoaib Akhtar. Be that as it may, their exhibition plunged again and lost next three matches, which incorporated their match against Mumbai Indians, where they were bowled out for 67 runs, the most reduced score by a group in IPL 2008 season. ] When their match against Delhi Daredevils was cleaned out because of downpour, they lost any opportunity of making it to the elimination rounds. [5] The Knight Riders finished their season on a triumphant note by vanquishing Kings Xl Punjab on their home ground. [edit] Controversy There were reports of a fracture between Shahr ukh Khan and Sourav Ganguly over different issues, for example, group piece, Gangulys decision of batting first in the game against Chennai Super Kings, diversion charge being forced for matches played at Eden Gardens (Shahrukh apparently needed Ganguly to address the West Bengal Boss Minister, Buddhadeb Bhattacharya about it, which was declined by Ganguly). We will compose a custom article test on Kolkata Knight Riders or on the other hand any comparable subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page [6] It was additionally announced that Shahrukh Khan gave more powers to John Buchanan including giving him full powers to choose the group for the next year which was not enjoyed by Ganguly. [6] However, the group the board gave an explanation that the reports of a potential break are false. [7] Shahrukh Khan was additionally banished by the International Cricket Council Anti-Corruption Unit from going into the changing area of the group when matches were in progress. Shahrukh Khan at that point gave an explanation that he would blacklist the uthorities. 8] There were additionally hypotheses that Kolkata Knight Riders will move its base from Kolkata to Ahmedabad as a result of the cash requested by the C. A. B. However, after a gathering with Jagmohan Dalmiya, Shah Rukh Khan guaranteed everybody that his group will remain in Kolkata. [edit] Financial Financially, the Kolkata Knight Riders were effectively the best establishment in the IPL, accomplishing a benefit of Rs. 13 crore. [9 ] [edit] 2009 IPL Season [edit] Players Kolkata Knight Riders was among the least dynamic establishments during the offseason, with no player exchanges. Be that as it may, the group marked Mohnish Parmar during the ffseason and furthermore re-marked AJantha Mendis to a drawn out arrangement. The most outstanding faculty move for Knight Riders came during the 2009 IPL Auction, where the group marked Bangladesh quick bowler Mashrafe Mortaza. [edit] Controversy The fracture between Sourav Ganguly and Shahrukh Khan accepting another divert as Ganguly was expelled from the captaincy in the 1 lth hour and supplanted by Brendon McCullum. Bits of gossip are that John Buchanan needed Ganguly out. In the first place, he skimmed a progression of speculations talking about numerous chiefs before Ganguly was evacuated. Before long, a blog sprung up on the web whose creator is an unknown blogger, ho professes to be an individual from the group and appears to be resolved to uncover each group mystery, imperfections and everything. The posts depict what the blogger claims are group gatherings, contentions among staff and colleagues, post-coordinate gatherings and pre-coordinate methodology. [10] [edit] Cheer Leaders They were the principal group in IPL to choose their team promoters by an ability chase show called Knights and Angels, Judged by Sourav Ganguly and Guest Star and facilitated by Bollywood entertainer Purab Kohli.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
My Dream Vacation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
My Dream Vacation - Essay Example In the event that I have a ton of cash and boundless time, I might want to go on get-aways to India. I have heard a great deal about India, its remarkable culture, fascinating common excellence and food, yet have never been there. I need to visit India since she is so not normal for my nation for example the USA. Individuals of India not just appear to be unique, they communicate in an alternate language and are altogether not quite the same as us Americans from each angle. For one, I love the Indian race due to its facial highlights. I need to investigate the decent variety of India. From what I have found out about India in the books and found in the media, I have come to realize that it is a land that joins individuals having a place with various subcultures. I especially have an extraordinary preference for the Indian film. In spite of the fact that I don't get Hindi or Urdu dialects, yet they sound sweet to the ears. The Indian cinematography is one of its sort. I love the vigor ously beaded dresses, their desire for overwhelming gems and cosmetics, and above all their regard for their jobs and duties as individuals from a family. One thing that I would never comprehend about the Indian culture was the manner by which the Indians figure out how to live in the joint family framework. Regardless of all the generational contrasts and holes, they go through the entirety of their time on earth together. This is something really surprising and worth-seeing from a closer view, which is one of the principle reasons I need to go to India for.
Easter Acrostic Poem Lesson Plan
Easter Acrostic Poem Lesson Plan Is it true that you are needing a brisk Easter movement for your understudies? Take a stab at having your understudies make an Easter acrostic sonnet. They are so natural to compose and they can be about any subject. Evaluation Level: Primary and Upper GradesSubject: Language Arts Destinations/Learning Goals Work on conceptualizing Easter-related wordsUse graphic expressions and sentences to depict Easter or words identified with EasterWrite an Easter acrostic sonnet Required Materials Pencil and paper for every understudy to compose their sonnet onScrap paper for conceptualizing Expectant Set Ask the class what they think about Easter. Compose a rundown on the board while they are getting out answers, and offer thoughts and remarks as you record the list.Brainstorm 10-15 Easter-related words and think of them on the front board or overhead projector. Have the understudies duplicate these words on a piece bit of paper or make a realistic coordinator. Diagram of Lesson Plan Every understudy is approached to compose a short acrostic sonnet utilizing an Easter-related word. They should make phrases and additionally sentences that identify with the subject so as to finish the undertaking. Direct Instruction Pick an Easter-related word and work together to make an acrostic sonnet. Pick words, for example, Easter, eggs, Happy Easter, bin, rabbit or Spring.Model the configuration of an acrostic sonnet on the front board. The most effortless approach to show this is to put the letters of the subject down the left-hand side of the page. When this is done you would now be able to start to think about a sentence that depicts your subject.Brainstorm sentences that would identify with the subject of the sonnet. Leave these thoughts on the front load up so the understudies can utilize them as a source of perspective while making a sonnet all alone. Guided Practice For more youthful understudies, give a realistic coordinator to conceptualizing and an acrostic sonnet worksheet where they can fill in the blanks.For more seasoned understudies, you can likewise give a realistic coordinator to conceptualizing, however then have them compose their own sentences without any preparation. Conclusion When they possess finished their sonnets permit energy for them to delineate an image and afterward share their sonnets out loud with their colleagues. Autonomous Practice For schoolwork, have understudies make an acrostic sonnet utilizing another Easter-related word. For additional credit or practice, they can make a sonnet utilizing the letters of their name. Appraisal The last bit of composing and schoolwork task will be surveyed by a rubric that the instructor has made. Test Easter Acrostic Poems Upbeat EASTER H - ope is in the Spring airA - s we as a whole come togetherP - ractice your habits for Easter dinnerP - raise your folks and the ones you loveY - es, together we love toE - at on Easter dayA - nd when you wake up onS - unday morning you can scan for your Easter basket.T - o me its the best piece of Easter,E - ating the entirety of the chocolate rabbits and gathering the eggs.R - emember to get some rest for the extraordinary day! EASTER E - aster is an extraordinary time of yearA - nd each kid wants to eat chocolateS - o ensure you don’t eat too muchT - ogether we can hideE - aster eggs and discover themR - emember not to eat an excess of treats or youll get a stomach pain! EGGS E - atG - ather eggsG - o to churchS - pring has sprung SPRING S - ring is a magnificent time of yearP - icture the blossoms bloomingR - abbits are hoppingI - t is soN - ice and warm outsideG - paddling blossoms at Easter time.
Friday, August 21, 2020
About Me Sample - How to Find It
About Me Sample - How to Find ItOne of the things that you may need when you want to promote your online business is about me sample. It is the way that you can find out what kind of clients you will be getting by sending them this particular letter. This is basically the letter that is sent to customers when they come to your site or the products that you have on sale.The benefits of using about me sample are that it can be found very easily and quickly, and then you can compare it to your rates in case you are going to get more of them. The reason why people use this kind of letter is because they do not want to send out a long sales letter, or send the same letters all the time, and this is because you might not get a response from the customer. Also, you can sell your product with a link that will help customers to purchase it. By doing this, they will definitely get interested to know more about your products.The main thing that you need to do when you are going to use about me sample is to write a letter which will tell the customer about your product. You should mention the advantages of the product to the customers. It is also best that you also add to your letter that they should buy your product without any doubt.This is how you can advertise your product and your company without much cost since you will not be having to spend on advertising. You will only need to spend on your online business, which will be the better way of advertising as compared to the traditional means of advertising.The about me sample letter is an effective marketing tool for your business. This letter is also very helpful for improving your sales and increasing your sales, and also you can have several responses by offering your customers the promotional services.The letter is something that you need to include in your letter to customers because you need to get their contact information, the right competition, and a free report on the product that you are selling. You also ne ed to mention the price and the payment mechanism that you are going to use and the reason why the customer should buy your product without any doubt.Once you are done with this, then you need to send the necessary information to the customer. This could include the product details, the discount on the product, the brochure, a discount code for the customer, and also for a free report about the product.The about me sample letter can be found on the internet for free, and there are many websites that you can get it on. All you need to do is to type the word about me sample in the search engine and you will get many results. All you need to do is to choose the one that suits your needs and is easy to access.
Wednesday, August 12, 2020
Tips for Dating Someone With OCD
Tips for Dating Someone With OCD OCD Living With OCD Print Tips for Dating Someone With OCD By Owen Kelly, PhD Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on June 22, 2015 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on December 11, 2019 Morsa Images / Getty Images More in OCD Living With OCD Causes Symptoms and Diagnosis Treatment Types Related Conditions Although any intimate relationship has its ups and downs, dating someone who is affected by a chronic mental illness such as OCD can present some additional challenges as well as opportunities for growth. Above all, it is important to remember that an illness is what a person has, not who they are. Healthy Strategies for Dating Someone With OCD Here are a few tips for creating and maintaining a healthy relationship. Work at Building Trust It is not uncommon for people with OCD to hide the nature or severity of their symptoms from othersâ€"especially those they may be engaged with romanticallyâ€"for fear of embarrassment and rejection. If you are committed to working at the relationship, make it clear to your partner that OCD is something you are willing to talk about and want to understand more about. When your partner chooses to disclose to you about particular obsessions or compulsions they are troubled with, make sure you acknowledge how hard it must have been to tell you about them. A little empathy and acceptance can go a long way toward building trust and intimacy. Educate Yourself Being in an intimate or even just a dating relationship with someone with any chronic illness, including OCD, means that you need to be up to speed with respect to the symptoms and treatment of the illness?.?? On the surface, many of the obsessions and compulsions that go along with OCD can seem strange, illogical or even scary. Understanding what the symptoms of OCD are and where they come from can go a long way in helping you cope with them and to bring down the overall stress level in your relationship. As well, it is important to realize that many people with OCD experience other forms of anxiety disorders or depression that can complicate the symptoms he or she experiences.?? Respect Your Partner’s Privacy While your partner might be comfortable disclosing the nature and severity of their symptoms to you, they may not be as comfortable discussing these issues with family, friends or co-workers. Never assume that other people in your partner’s life know that they have OCD. A seemingly harmless comment to a friend or family member of your partner could end up being very hurtful or embarrassing, undermine trust in the relationship or have other unintended consequences. Consider Getting Involved in Treatment Partners can often be very helpful in helping to pinpoint the true nature and severity of symptoms as well as help reinforce sticking with different medical and psychological treatment regimens. If you and your partner are up for it, there are numerous opportunities to help out with exposure exercises?? or to stay on top of medication regimens. Becoming partners in treatment can help build a stronger bond. Treatments for OCD Be Honest Being in a relationship with someone with a chronic illness means understanding that while symptoms can often be managed quite effectively, they may never be cured.?? If you have concerns or are feeling overwhelmed by your partner’s symptoms, discuss this with your partner openly and honestly. This is especially important if you suspect or know that your partner’s obsessions and/or compulsions relate to you and/or matters of sexual intimacy. A little communication can go a long way in avoiding a series of misunderstandings that could ultimately lead to conflict or even break-up of the relationship. If you do not feel that you are able to discuss such issues with your partner, bounce your thoughts off a trusted friend to try to get a different perspective. A Word From Verywell Remember, any relationshipâ€"not just one with someone with OCDâ€"is about balancing your personal needs with the needs of the relationship.
Thursday, June 25, 2020
The Functions of Comedy in Twelfth Night - Literature Essay Samples
Salinger (1974) calls Twelfth Night a â€Å"comedy about comedy†in which Shakespeare demonstrates his â€Å"fundamental debt to the earlier Renaissance tradition of comic playwriting and his abiding sense of detachment from it†(pg 242), and it is from this point that this essay will discuss functions of comedy in regards to Shakespeare abiding and deviating at various points from traditional Renaissance comedies and into which category of comedy Twelfth Night can be placed. It will also discuss how realism aids the function of comedy in the play in the particular case of Twelfth Night, that function being primarily a celebration of both joy and of Shakespeare’s comedy for its own sake.Traditional Renaissance comedy is clearly present throughout the text, such as the derisive laughter aimed at Malvolio cross-gartered in yellow stockings or Sir Andrew unsuspecting in the mock duel. The audience laughing at Malvolio serves to ridicule him further for his folly, bu t also serves comedy value in distinctly Shakespearian terms; we laugh at Malvolio to cast him out and show our dislike of him because he ruins the fun. This is what Charlton (1966) picks as definitive of a Shakespeare comedy, that the characters â€Å"inspire us to be happy with them; they do not merely cajole us into laughing at them†(pg 277) and so our ridiculing of Malvolio is not so much as a condemnation of his character but a way of siding the audience with the fun-lovers of the play, notably Sir Toby who claims many comic highlights in the play despite his comparatively flawed character when considered against the puritan Malvolio. Malvolio is ridiculed as he represents puritans of the time (for example, by his dress); as puritans were largely against the comedy tradition in theatre (Barton 1972, pg 164) Shakespeare represents them as against merrymaking and fun in general. We therefore side with Sir Toby and against Malvolio not because of their character, but becau se as an audience we do not want the fun to end. The characters, too, are desperate for the fun to continue and to seek new pleasures, something which for Shakespeare involves marriage as the ultimate goal when it is accepted that love has great power to awaken the spirit to newfound pleasures (Charlton 1966, pg 277). This, for Charlton, sets Shakespeare’s plays as more imaginative than his rivals’, instead of seeking out existing pleasure and maximising enjoyment Shakespeare has his characters constantly striving for ideals and, due to love/marriage, become â€Å"finer and richer representatives of human nature†(Charlton 1966, pg 283).The primacy of love for enrichment of spirit and opening of new avenues of pleasure, as discussed in the previous paragraph, is influential in Twelfth Night’s comedy as, if music is â€Å"the food of love†(Shakespeare 1993, pg 29), then much music is required to nourish the spirit and this is the most musical of Sh akespeare’s plays. Music therefore plays a major role in the play from the duke’s players to Clown’s songs and adds to the carnival, boisterous mood that the play itself is a celebration. Much of the farce (paragraph below) adds to the comedic celebration on stage, for example Malvolio’s humiliation scene and the transvestite farce of Viola would be a joy to perform as much as they are to behold. Tillyard (1958) categorises comedy into three sections; farce and two variations of Picaresque comedy. Twelfth Night can be argued to fit into any and all of these categories to some extent. Farce comes from the many laugh-out-loud moments in the play provided by the pranks and Clown’s wry humour. The fact that Twelfth Night is also a transvestite comedy adds further farce to have the multiple disguises of a male actor playing a female character who is in turn playing the role of a male. Add identical twins that are less than identical, the boisterous mood created by music, and the pranks mentioned above and all the elements of a farce are there to see. Farce, however does not serve the primary function of this play as there is little celebration of joy in a farce. Whilst an audience may laugh heartily, the comedic devices described below need to combine with intense realism if the play is to have any effect on its audience; that is to say, an unbelievable farce cannot bring the audience into celebration with the characters because the empathy simply is not present in a large enough quantity. The first variety of Picaresque comedy, effectively focusing on the underdog, Tillyard argues to be absent in Twelfth Night but the principals remain; Clown is our underdog who is left alone (unmarried, but also literally left alone on stage) and the collective group, excepting Malvolio and his threat of revenge, fulfils the underdog role of just â€Å"and only just†(Tillyard 1958, pg 6) surviving disaster. This feeling is heightened dur ing the final confrontation when Shakespeare suddenly changes from prose to verse to link with Sebastian arriving with a solution to rush on with the happy ending. Again, this does not fully provide the play with the celebration of joy that is its primary function. Certainly one can empathise more with the fool without necessarily pitying him (and perhaps even seeing him as a bridge between Illyria and the everyday world) but there is still not the sense of belonging that the audience has with, for example, Sir Toby. For this, Shakespeare requires a blend of comedic strategies, and it is Tillyard’s (ibid) second variation of Picaresque comedy that is the more obvious for Twelfth Night, being The desire to shed the burdens of duty to self and society without paying too severe a price†¦[recognising]†¦perhaps ruefully, that you cannot get away with it forever, that holidays are holidays only because they end, that mankind has after all to toe the line, and that duty ha s the last word†¦[but also finally persuading the reader that evasion has]†¦had a long enough innings and that duty must now reassert itself(Tillyard 1958, pg 6)which, whilst not providing as much convivial laughter as pure farce, is used by Shakespeare to lighten the mood and spirits of his audience. Whilst duty and the real world gets the last word, it is a refreshed reality into which we enter. The title itself refers to a â€Å"festive and critical passage of time†during which the characters are â€Å"swept out of their previous selves and brought into a fresh harmony with a natural order and sequence in life†(Salinger 1974, pg 13), that is to say the numerous marriages promise a harmonisation with natural order but also, crucially, a return to the normal state of affairs. All that has been removed from the characters by disguise, deception, the â€Å"season of misrule†(Salinger 1974, pg 8) and tragedies of shipwreck is wonderfully restored with added value; for example, Viola not only regains her brother but also a lover. Viola’s trust in natural forces and human nature when she leaves it to time to untie the knots which she cannot (Shakespeare 1993, pg 48) puts a trust in the natural balance having the ability to regenerate and, through the ending, give something extra to those with spirits enriched by love (see earlier discussion). Here, then, the audience finally gets to celebrate joy with the characters now that the wholeness of the play and its range of comedic strategies has added to its realism.Whilst realism serves to add to the celebration of joy that is the function of comedy in Twelfth Night, comedy also serves reciprocally to add realism to the play whilst also providing what would be termed today a suspension of disbelief; just as a tragedy teases the audience with false hope before the disaster, so Twelfth Night teases us with false disaster before the happy ending. This, according to Barton (1972, pg 164) adds to the realism of Twelfth Night whilst keeping true to the conventional social viewpoint of a comedy. In Twelfth Night the false disaster suggested during the deadlock in the final act comes when reality starts to re-enter the play and the celebration comes to an end. For Sir Toby, he is denied the surgeon he needs because the surgeon is drunk. We are finally seeing Tillyard’s (1958, pg 6) reassertion of duty; it is through the nightly excess and celebration in which Sir Toby was so instrumental that he is now denied the practicalities of medical care that was not necessary in the utopia of misrule. Moreover, Barton (1972) suggests that Sir Toby marrying Maria is comparable to Sir Andrew’s repentance; they are both paying for their holidays in â€Å"ways that have real life consequences†(pg 175). Thankfully, for the audience and characters, the disaster never comes. However, the realism provided by acknowledgment of its possibility makes the ending e asier to accept whilst also giving the feeling of dodging disaster (Tillyard’s first division of Picaresque comedy, see above). This relief, again felt by both audience and characters, adds to this celebration of joy; instead of accepting Barton’s argument that the knights are forced to pay for their holidays, it can be argued that the opposite is true and that Sirs Toby and Andrew actually celebrate that most satisfying and joyful of human feelings – getting away with doing something wrong. The comedy value here is only increased by Malvolio’s final cursing and promise of revenge, Sir Toby (and his sympathetic audience) have once again got the better of him even when it is dubious whether he deserved to or not, after all Sir Toby is reliant on others like Malvolio to keep him in his life of leisure.Even though Clown’s final song refers to marriage becoming tedious and the passing of time painful, audience optimism is maintained despite this realis ation; the couples of the play may be in the distant and mysterious Illyria but that place is brought back into the reality of the audience now that the festive period is ending by virtue of the aforementioned realism that Shakespeare brings to this comedy. Barton (1972, pg 164) describes the period of the title as a time when the world is turned upside down and there is a constant holiday spirit. At the start of the play, it is the captain that introduces Illyria as a place in which to expect madness but it is during Clown’s song that Illyria comes closer to England; the disguises and deception fall away and natural order (and, arguably, rule) restore with the characters intact with redeemed spirits and happy endings. By maintaining realism throughout the play in such a distant location, Shakespeare can bring this optimism home through his mix of Tillyard’s comedy variations.In conclusion, comedy functions in Twelfth Night to provide convivial laughter/celebration of joy and an optimism of human nature and the capacity for regeneration. The particular blend of comic styles adopted by Shakespeare does not fit neatly into any one category but the function can be clearly shown by its effect; the added realism dimension despite an implausible ending, and a symbolism of marriage as renewal and rebirth following necessary disruption, carnival and â€Å"madness†(Barton 1972, pg 164) of the festival. Given that Twelfth Night is commonly held to be Shakespeare’s last comedy of its type, Tillyard (1958, pg 17) states that the play â€Å"is not so sure of itself as comedy and may also be on the way to something else†, what Salinger (1974, pg 242), as mentioned in the introduction to this essay, calls a â€Å"comedy about comedy†. From this perspective, the widespread happy ending and good fortune can be interpreted as an intentional farewell, in which case the comedy devices in Twelfth Night serve primarily to focus the audienc e on Shakespeare’s celebration of joy and good times as discussed throughout this essay. Shakespeare is using such a diverse and far-reaching blend of comedy with the primary function being a celebration of not only Renaissance comedy but also his own comedy heritage and legacy of plays. BibliographyBarton, A. (1972). As You Like It and Twelfth Night: Shakespeare’s Sense of an Ending. In: Bradbury, M. and Palmer, D. [eds.]. Shakespearian Comedy. London: Edward Arnold.Charlton, H. (1966). Shakespearian Comedy. London: Methuen.Salinger, L. (1974). Shakespeare and the Traditions of Comedy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Shakespeare, W. (1993). Twelfth Night. Ware, Hertfordshire: Wordsworth Editions Ltd.Tillyard, E. (1958). The Nature of Comedy and Shakespeare. Oxford: Oxford University Press
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