Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Construction Industry And Its Impact On The World Essay

In the year 2009, more than 150 incidents were reported where fatalities occurred due to workers colliding with construction equipment or other objects on site in The United States. (Marks and Teizer 2012). The number of these accidents causing deaths in this year accounted for approximately 18% of the total construction deaths and 3% of the total workplace deaths experienced that year (Marks and Teizer 2012). Construction Industry is considered as one of the biggest industries in the world. It plays a vital role in the economic growth of any country worldwide, as it contributes to a major portion of the gross domestic product of a country (Lee et al. 2009). In the U.S., it adds to almost 4.5% of the total GDP. Apart from this it also offers very high employment opportunities (Lee et al. 2009). Construction Industry while being one of the leading employing industries in the world also suffers from worker s site safety issues. Managing the construction resources, such as equipment, la bor and material is very important for any project to be successful. Completion of activities on within specified time, budget and quality without any causality requires an integrated planning effort. For this reason, project completion can be a challenging and a very time-consuming task (Teizer et al. 2010). The collective effort for many field personnel, several existing technologies are reviewed for their benefits and limitations of keeping oversight of resource location and status at jobShow MoreRelatedThe Construction Industry Of India Essay1649 Words   |  7 PagesConstruction industry is one of the most important industries in the national economy of any country. The development of any country highly rests on the shoulders of construction industry. It forms the foundation for the development of the nation. 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