Saturday, May 23, 2020

Islam s Impact On Modern Day - 2125 Words

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) stated that a re-newer or Islam will arise during every century (This part is a little bit unclear, you might have to define what â€Å"re-newer† is), Throughout the course of history, many influential thinkers and intellects arose during several eras and have left a profound impact on modern day (optional to add this if it sounds better) Islam. During the 5th Islamic century, Imam Al Ghazali became one of the most influential thinkers in the history of Islam. Born in Persia, Al- Ghazali lost the shadow of his father early in his life, as at a young age his father had passed away. Al Ghazali’s fathers’ desire had always been for his sons to become scholars and pious people, therefore he had left them in the hands of close friend that took responsibility of teaching them. Ghazali underwent many years of education from several different Imams (You might have to define what an imam is†¦in order to make it clearer), including Imam Al-Juwa yni ( give a brief description of what he was famous for?), through which he was able to join the school of Nizam Al Mulk. After many years of studying and gaining immense knowledge, he was appointed as a teacher of the Nizam school in which he began his teaching career. Al- Ghazali was able to master all of the intellectual tools needed to†¦, along with mastering knowledge at young age; overall, he was rhetoric in both Arabic and Persian. After spending many years teaching, he became obsessed about himself(This part is aShow MoreRelatedIslam’S Nationalism, Ethnicity, And Religion . Since The1469 Words   |  6 Pagesthe biggest and most known religions in modern day. However, if we compare the two we can see that they are different, but similar in many aspects and backgrounds. 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